Wednesday 27 February 2013

100 + word challenge by Taylor

We were having a great time on the limo driving across the riverside when we saw a family of  foxes on the road.The driver slammed his brakes so that he wouldn't them over, they were asleep and not even a long BEEP would wake them. They were taking up to much time and we were in a hurry to get to the hotel! The limo driver hit the acceleration and ran them over! We drove away panicking and the car stopped suddenly for some reason.
Another set of foxes came out and burned the bus with a flame frower.

We eventually got out and then watched paradise but to the ground. What was dissapointing is that I left my phone on the limo! And oh what else was left...THE DRIVER!!!!! He is probably turned into a ash tray by now. So I guess we'll have to walk the whole way to the hotel witch is about 1000 miles away. We started a long journey to the relaxation centre without no water or food because it it ALL BURNED! I hate this day so much even more than anything! Could it possibly get any worse? Well I hope not.

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