Wednesday, 27 February 2013

100 word challenge by Eugena Mwita

...The car stooped suddenly...I turned the wheel and landed on the edge of a cliff hanging. A big truck came swished its edge swiped me in the water. I was floating and screaming for help. I screamed " HELP, HELP!"  It all started when I was driving normal, then the wheels started screech like nails on a black board! Then...BOOOOM! The wheels blew up and fire started to burn, the fire getting higher and hot. So then the firemen came and got there hose...SSSSPLASHSHSH!! They pulled me out and saw that my body was full of blood dripping alover me...!


  1. Great adjectives I liked the bit where u said it screeched like nails on a black board.


  2. Hello Eugena,

    What a terrible accident to have happened! It seems like the road might have been wet after a storm causing your car to stop and a truck to side swipe you and force you into the water. Thank goodness you were rescued from the burning car but it seems you haven't escaped without injury. We now have to wonder if you'll survive. Well done.

    Remember to reread your entry more than once before posting. I know small errors creep into my writing whenever I go online. I reread more than once before posting in the hope I can find errors and correct them. As an example, you mistyped "stopped" from the prompt. This is so easy to do when you have great ideas you want to share. :)

    I hope you keep entering the 100WC.

    @RossMannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia
