Wednesday, 27 February 2013

100 word challenge by kaci walker

The car stopped and suddenly....
Something had jumped in front of it and the man got the fright of his life when saw it was cat a big bulging scary cat a witch's cat . Then the man got out of the car and the cat scratched the hell out of the him and his daughter saw something bouncing along the street and it was a monkey that was bouncing. Then once we all got out the monkey popped the tires and the also blew up and no one new it was going to happen and we shouted HELP!!!!!!. Then we walked the rest of the way home and had something hot to eat and something hot to drink and then something when't bang and my dad went up to see what it was and all hired him go AH HELP!!!!! So my mum went up.Then we went toddling up after her we saw my dad in the cubbared but my mum was gone and we were stuck with my dad but I don't really now that because my dad is tied up and so we untried him.  

                                            The end

1 comment:

  1. Kaci,

    There's so much happening in this little adventure that I got lost. It sounds very exciting. You might want to read it out loud to find places for full stops, and where it might be confusing to your readers.

    Nice work on the challenge. Keep writing

    Dr. Lisa (Team 100WC)
