Wednesday, 27 February 2013

100 word challenge by Lewis Farthing

The blue Lamborghini stopped suddenly, because a fish van stopped in the way and by mistake we ran over a cat and the tiers just automatically stopped somehow,the weels skreeched like fingers on a blackbord flipped and tried to toss them selvs out of there seats    ( aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!)and befor they did they found that they were flying. Whilst we were flying an earthquake struk and killed tuns of people ( building fall in and every one fell threw a hole exept me and Kia). We circled the world and we could not find any thing in the world I mean it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    your comparative descriptions are fantastic. Especially the fingers screeching on the blackboard! Well done, keep up the good work. :)

    Mr Aldred (TEAM100WC. London, UK)
