Tuesday, 12 February 2013

100 Word Challenge By Eugena Mwita

The weather changed for the worst... You wouldn't believe that this huge weather monster in the sky shook the intier world and made it full of rain, snow and wind together.
People's faces  had a shock and they all screamed and saw hundreds of wind zombies and snow zombies and rain zombies spraying the weather at the people.
People could die from this weather because its very strong. But the sun will come a shoot its fireball hotness on to you, until you have blood allover the ground.
These super heroes  come and battle till they are vanished for good and never seen again. Even no-one will come to there funeral.
These weren't any old super heroes they were... they were... were wearing nappies that had these shooting lasers that are red and bloody. You can see them every week souring and gliding with there nappies shooting to baddies. WATCH OUT THE LAZERS COULD HIT YOU!

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