The three little pigs vs
Alexander t wolf
January 18th 2013
Lewis farthing
Stephenson memorial primary school
Dear Judge Kenn,
The Alexander.T.wolf only wanted a cup of sugar for his dear old granny's birthday. He had a really bad sneeze and he ran out of sugar and he went down the ally to his nabers in porker village on the 17th January and they were not that bright because he made his house out of straw and the wolf nocked and the hole house fell in. So he went to the next house and he was a bit brighter than the other one and he said "go away" and then the wolf felt a sneeze coming on and it fell down.
How shocking! The wolf is isn't the big bad wolf he is the victim and he only wanted to borrow a cup of suger. Well if the wolf was here he could have told you that he one of the pigs told him that his granny could sit on a pin. Well is it illegal to do that and the first pig decided to build a house out of straw and he would not just barge in to someone else's house. What would you if you we're the pig would you let him have some suger or would you say your granny can sit on a pin?
Why is the wolf getting put in jail when he wasn't the one that made all of mess it was their fault plus the first pig was as dum as a door nail the wolf nocked on the door and the house fell down so he went down to the next house and no answer so he called little pig little pig he answered go away so he went to the next house and he said your granny can sit on a pin and A.T Wolfgot a little crazy and made a scene by sneezing and the cops picked him up and we all ended up in cort and I will be getting put away for life.
Sincerely yours,
Lewis farthing
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