The worst day ever.
There once was a little prinsses called Alisha sitting in the Castle living room on the 28th of January watching the tv when she heard a bang she souted mam be quite and she said how can I when I was a sleep. So she said " then who made that bang" know anwser so she got up and went up stairs . She went into the bedroom and ...
"Help!" the nabours came into the Castle room the was blood all over the place they got the police and then peopled cleaned up. Everyone looked around trying to find her but she was know where to be seen then someone shouted " listing I am a detective and I will get to the bottom of this eving if it kills me I want the prinsses safe." meanwhile the prinsses was at the perso safe the person woke the prinsses she was speechless the man who took her was a vampire she ran to the door but it was locked.
So she got skerd and said " why are you doing this" he said " If you marry me I will turn into a prince so are you going to?"
" no!" and as soon as she said that the detective came in "GET YOUR HANDS OF HER" then he rescued her and took her away to her Castul then they live happly ever after or do they?
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