The three little pigs verses
Alexander t. Wolf
January 18 2013
Alisha maguire
Stephenson memorial primary school
Martin road
Dear Judge Lilly.
Last week in porker village there was a wolf called Alexander t.wolf he was baking a birthday cake for his granny. Alexander had a cold a bad cold it was almost like the flu.The wolf ran out of sugar so he went out to ask his neighbours in porker village. The first neighbour had built his house out of straw so he asked little pig are you in there was no answer and then he felt a sneeze a big sneeze and the house fell down and the pig was dead as a door nail so the wolf ate him.
Alexander asked the
second pig and said little pig are you in and the pig said leave me alone and then he felt a a sneeze a very big sneeze then be sneezed and the second house fell down and the pig was as dead as a door nail so the wolf ate him then he went to the third house and asked are you in then the pig said your granny can sit on a pin and then the cops came and he got framed for eating the pigs.
Haw unfair the wolf is the innocent one he didn't kill the pigs he just ate them because they were lying there dead. He was only wanting to borrow some sugar for his poor old granny. The local people thought that it was not fair that he didn't get to say his side of the story. Any ways how could the wolf blow the houses down because he had a cold. Another thing the pigs are to dum they made there house out of straw and sticks but the third little pig was smart and built his house out if bricks.
I am sure that now you know that the wolf is innocent you should let him free.he has told you his side of the story and it is the truth.
Your sincerely
Alisha maguire
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