Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The wolf is framed by Lewis Bentham

The three little pigs verses Alex t wolf  

January 18th 2013

Lewis Bentham
Stephenson memorial  primary school
NE28 0AG

Dear Judge Jimmy,

This is the real story of the 3 little pigs and Alexander T Wolf.

 Last week it  was 11th January and the wolf's granny's birthday was on the 12th January. He needed some sugar for his granny's cake. All his neighbours were on poker village, they were all pigs. The wolf had a very bad cold. He had felt a little sneeze coming at the first, second and third house. The first two where made out straw and wood so they just fell down.

How unfair! The wolf didn't do anything wrong. The wolf had asthma so how could blow the houses down? You haven't heard the wolfs point of view, so how do you know that the wolf murdered them. Also two  of of the pigs where thick because they the house of straw and wood, the wolf knocked on the straw door and it fell right threw. What would you do if that was you? He didn't want to barge in so he said" little pigs little pigs." He thought know one but a complete idiot would build there house out of straw. The second house was wood and he said" go away and never come back."

Why is the wolf in jail and it wasn't his fault when he saw the dead little pigs just lying there, think of a cheese burger just lying there you can't resist to eat it. Now that you have heard the really story of the three little. You  can release the wolf and but the dum pig the big and his little smarter brother and the brainy one. Know wonder the brainy tricked you and told you a lie so you would believe him and arrest the wolf and call him the big bad wolf and know one would read the real the story of the three little pigs.

Sincerely yours,

Lewis Bentham

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