Horror Day!!
In a giant house, lived a girl and a boy called Abby and James, they were brother and sister they both enemies to each other because they dad and mam died from a plane crash. So at 7.00am in the morning Abby woke up in her bedroom and finds that she is covered in blood, she wondered, how has this happened? But this is how. In the night round about 11.30pm, a ghost came in she couldn't here him because she had ear muffs, so the ghost came in and poured something on so it looks like blood. It wasn't any ghost it was a ghost who lived in that house.

Later in the afternoon Abby hears noises, loud noises getting higher, higher until it was a blast. She looked threw the window but there was nothing there, that's when the noises goes off and go quiet. She sits back down and finds a dead rotten body in front of her. Then the wind was breezy and very cold, as soon as she screams, ABBY TURNS TO ICE! The T.V was on until the T.V changed to a different program with a ghost laughing saying " HAHA SO MUCH FUN HAHAHAHAHAH". Ended up laughing with tears.
Then up stairs in James room, James was just looking threw his pressures photo album. He found a photo of his grandma until when he dropped it and picked it up, his sister Abby came up and shouted " Heellpp mmee, jjaammeess, aaaahahahahahahahha". James threw the photo on the ground, and stood on it. He screamed in circles saying " oh my, let me start, I hear noises downstairs of my sister screaming, and the T.V saying words and changing channels". James sat down on his bed, but guess what he wasn't on his bed he was surrounded by vicious vampires.
James see's a vampire photo he pretends that he was just minding his own business, so when knowone was looking he grabbed the photo and looked at. When he looked at it ther was a girl with long blonde shiny hair so shiny it was just like gold. He found something strange about it and very unusual so put it down but sooner and later tge photo came alive, the photo yanked James by the top turned him around so he could face the photo. The photo shouted " You should die, just like you sister". So the vampire photo reached her hand put and grabbed from the neck and digged her nails into his neck and waited for five minutes until she got the blood out. So James fell down with ten razor nails digged on each side.
Later on at night, Abby's friend Sasha was sitting on her white diamond couch chilling and eating popcorn. She was watching a scary movie, until she heard a bang and a whisper saying her name, it sounded like it was from upstairs and from the kitchen. She stood up gently and was walking to the kitchen, until bang Sasha got hit by a ghost covered in black. He grabs Sasha and that was the last.
That was the end of this friendship and family, but this ghost could be anywhere. That ghost could be looking for some people like you. SO BEWARE!