The official blog of The Rhino iPad Classroom. Sharing our writing with the wider world!
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
100 word challenge by Tyne hindson
Looking at all that chocolate... The chocolate was gushing in and my mouth started to drizzle. Out of the blue a candy eagle swooped down and hung me from its raiser sharp claws. "Help help help" I landed in a horrible place a Easter wolf they are horrible but they was one wolf what was good the princes wolf Luna and her sister star star. Star was controller of stars and Luna was controller of the moon they kook me out side and they was a hole lot of chocolate.
" lison to morrow is ester we need help to deliver the chocolate and we want to let the Bunnys to deliver it and Bunnys would be better but farther says no so get in this wolf costume please help us.
100 Word challenge. Jessica Darmody
.looking at all that chocolate made tempted to eat it! My father Ant told me if I open it I would be grounded for a month and he would probably chuck giant Easter bom of me.I thought, when I am older i want my own chocolate place. Actually I want to be the EASTER BUNNY¡ That's an eggcellent idea.His cousin dec came over to his house
and spotted my Easter egg! I screamed so loud that ant came down and asked me what was going on . I said" nothing just... Dec is trying to get my Easter egg."
100 word challenge. By Stephen Tanaka
Lookin at that cholate made my silever. I temtend my self to tank so but then the man who was working there so.I grabend the egg and ran away.The man chest me but I was to first I triked him and I went around and I lost him I went back to the shop and called my freinds and took all of the chocolate Wern he came back he was tired he so all of the cholates were gon he was very angry and tired he was so apsent he shouted me and my freinds were a happy.
100 Word Challenge by Eugena Mwita
One evening Eggie fell asleep very heavenly, then she started to dream of a giant bunny catching after me, then she stopped suddnely and looked at a chocolate fountain and said in shock "Look at all that chocolate".
Then boom she landed somewhere where with human people with chocolate bunny heads. Eggie stopped for a moment stumbled a bit and screamed " I can never belive I could eat these people alive.
Again she flashed somewhere else and that was the last...
100 Word Challenge By Muhammed Khan
Looking at all that chocolate... made my heart pound. But suddenly an Eagle grabbed me right on the shoulder and dropped me after a few miles ahead. I landed in slushy dark chocolate and i were greatly hungry. "Where am I".
I whispered in My head. Unexpectedly I heard a bright noise coming from behind.
" Your in Easter island".
Nobody was there except for a small chocolate bunny. The island was open and wide with plants and trees and even chocolate carrots and Acorns. The Rabbits were jumping out of the floor. But then I woke up from a dream
100 word challenge by Alexandra Giacopazzi
... Looking at all that chocolate, would make the day harder. This was the first time I did this. I had never dug in my life. Well I was young. "Where is everyone? Is there a big sale one and I was never told!"
"Who are you?"
"I... I... I... I'm the Wired-looking-thing but you can call me anything you want..." There stood in front of me was the most foxiest glitch I've ever seen. "My name is Venellope. Is it ok if I call you Wired?"
" Y... E... S..." She said she liked my cart... I love her forever...
100 word challenge by mason
.........Looking at all that chocolate.I woke up I was stuck in a chocolate wave help help no one came I looked down oh yes it was chocolate I saw a bunny on a speed boat so I said hey you what are you called he wasn't listening so I swam and swam till I ran out of berth he stopped I said who are you called I'm the easter bunny what are you downing out on this lake I said I will get you back to the the factory I could smell the extremely lush egg I loved it.
100 word challenge Naomi Dawson
Minney was waking down the street and She saw a huge chocolate river.Her eyes nearly popped out it was amazing.
"yes, She has deemed of this before!' Then she saw a little chocolate egg rolling down the hill in to the chocolate river.
She turned around and saw the black hole. She screamed
It was sucking her in side she had know where to hold onto so she screamed and she got sucked inside.
A few minutes later she was in a chocolate land " Look at all that chocolate!" Minney said amazed.
She ran and jumped into to the chocolate sea.
100 word challenge by Taylor Asiamah
Looking at all that chocolate... Made my mouth soar and then my heart jumped out of my mouth! It was simply egglicious, I was tempted to jump onto the bench and grab an egg. But then walking past the back window was a big white fluffy ball. What is that I thought? So I opened the back door to see that an Easter bunny was wearing my pants! I could of tought this guy a lesson but he gave my a basket on milky chocolate Easter eggs! I snatched them quickly, ran up the stairs and stashed them under my bed.
100 word challenge by Lewis Farthing
I loved going through the Easter holiday and I will tell you why.Dom was in the bathroom singing "ladadie ladadoo" and all of a sudden Dom fell through a time portal and then alls he saw was chocolate and he was eggsmacked and when he realised he was at chocolate island. After I had a wounder and at the end is saw spongebob but he had an egghead and 2 seconds later spongebob said "oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh who lives under a pineapple under the sea spongebob squarepants" and then they found a bouncing jelly tot covered with chocolate... To be continued!
Andec chocolate factory by Lewis Bentham
...Looking at all That chocolate...
I almost fainted seeing Ant and Dec buy the biggest chocolate factory in the world. My mouth started to let saliva out, it come out like bubble gum and made a puddle of saliva (yuk). I wish I was them because it would be egglisious. Ant and Dec decided to let to lucky children win a tour around the biggest chocolate factory in the world. Me and my brother in Spain decided that we were going to try and win them tickets so we could see each over. It seemed to the right way until...
100 word challenge by Kia Surrey
Looking at all that chocolate ...
Made venalope feel hungry, so I did't just stand there she ate some. I felt a taste that I have never tasted at the corner of her eye she saw a chocolate bunny hopping around on the patch of bubble gum she ran over. Se said "hi " the rabbit was called Luke. It was 13 years and he said "keep away from the rabbit over there." vanalope looked confused she went over and it bit .her so she took a chunk out of it and she loved it but it was only just a dream, or was it .......?
100 word challenge by Dylan Preston
...Looking at all that chocolate my mouth was watering, I took a giant bite again and again. I bit it once more and I teleported into out of space and I saw the Milky Way and stars. but the thing is the stuff was made out of chocolate and it smelled amazing. But there was a chocolate tree and it was talking to me and it said" what are you doing out of space!" "I'm looking for a portal to go back home" I said (worriedly). I saw a monster but it was eating a chocolate bar. " What are you?"
100 word challengel by Rebecca Thompson
Looking at all that creamy chocolate it made me hungry and a I want to eat ! Then out of a blue a small Golding chocolate bunny .It was eggtastic it said " follow me " I Whispered what you name " she replayed ..." Eggy" I shout "my name Rebecca" I can you help us from metering I fell down a rabbit hole to.... A chocolate land I was lead to a rive of chocolate so I eat most of it and the bunny I said we could make a world of chocolate in my house and it won't melted. So we made a chocolate house and they where bunny that where chocolate in our world .
100 word challenge by Luke Anderson
Looking at all that chocolate made me drool and my saliva come out like a wave. Then out of the blue a chocolate eagle came swooping down and it took me away. I felt like I was going to die but it dropped me on a patch of bubbles from bubble gum. "Where am I?" Alex screamed but then he met Lucy, his best friend who ran away from him a long, long time ago. "What are you doing here Lucy," said Alex excitedly. Then Lucy ran over to help Alex get out of the patch of yummy bubble gum.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Edinburgh Science Festival By Eugena Mwita
On Monday 25th March some children from Y4, Y5,Y6 went to Edinburgh, to enter a Science Festival. We did cool stuff like touching cow eyeballs and making robots to do laps in the Rampage Areana. We also dressed as doctors and mine was Dr.Genie and there was Dr. Toni short for Antonia and Dr.Ellie also Dr.Dylan we were doing surgey to a plastic man that felt like rubber he got injured by riding a bicycle doing stunts. He hurt his knee that had people stones on even his knee cap dislocated.
He also had a hole in his leg that also had pebbles. We had a T.V that a long flashing tube that you put into someone to see what the problem is.
We also went to the eyeball session but I forgot what it was called but we looked at a cow's eyeballs and started to cut the fat out of it and the lenses. We got to fell it but it was gruesome, so I sat out and watched.
Then the next thing we went to was the blood bar. At the blood bar we were looking at real blood from a horse and a heart of a sheep. So they brought dark blood from a horse. So they had these tubes and the put water in and the puted teaspoons of horse blood and that made it light, then they puted odium that takes the oxygen out of the blood, so they puted some in and it began to get darker. So then we puted this electric oxygen tube to put on our finger to see how much oxygen we had in our body some o fus had ours in the 90% location so that meant good. Then we headed to the unwrapped mummy but we couldn't we had to wait for another 1hour 30minutes to see. So we went to the bubble room that had lots of bubble but there was one lady who showing a trick so we put on these shoes protectors and stood in the middle of the bubble shower and this lady pulled the leaver and a giant bubbl was surrounding us and it popped so the said" did you have a nice shower.
I would tell you more but there's too much to tell.
By Eugena Mwita
Edinburgh Science Festival by David RIgby
On the
25th march we went to Edinburgh science festival.
At the
festival we did lots of different tasks. Our first task was building our on
robots for ramping chariots (we have to get the most laps with our robots). The
next task was the blood bar where we went to see a real heart of a sheep. After
we had saw the heart we went to the ER where we helped a doll feel better the
things inside of the doll were disgusting (YUCK!!!!) at the end of the day it was a long time to
get back and it was all worth it.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
100 word challange by kerry shotton
The fuzzy 3 eyed cat got electrocuted then t he orange got separated from his cotton candy bubbly bath, because he was going around people mysteries telling scary jokes and all sorts. Every one was getting sick of that stupid old cat scary people and telling silly little jokes. Even the orange was sick of him as we'll how could anyone put up with him but he found his bath jumped in it and would never leave his poor bath. Every one was scared of his bath because it kept creeping up on people and scaring them that's why every sick of him.
100 word challenge by Lewis Bentham
In a ordinary world and a ordinary house was a talking Ginger cat that always makes other things laugh, like Bath. Bath had a mouth that was always happy but if he was miserable it would not show because his mouth could not move from happy to miserable. Ginger always said the funniest jokes but he always laughed at himself when know one was looking. After a long day of Bath laughing Ginger was feeling good, when he got to Bath he forgot his joke so he said a one he already had said. Mysteriously they changed world to space.
100 word challenge by Lewis Farthing
I am bored sitting out here isn't it yes it is quite boring (BORING!). "Wow there is a teloporter and I think we should go through mysterious thing ok. So we have already landed and I am FREEZING!!!! Ok let's go and ask that man if we could go and lend his rocket and get home he said "alright" so off they went trying to get home they saw how beautiful world that we live on is amazing but it is not better than my house. We aventualy got home and it was just like I imagined.
100 word challenge by David Rigby
The orange cat was in his beautiful home when he said “I want to leave this planet and go to the moon or some place” suddenly there was a huge bang outside so the sweet orange cat went out side to see what it was he could not sea any thing but there was a flying magic bathtub so he got in it little did he know that it was flying him to the moon when they got to the moon the cat got out but then a huge rock was dropping on them so the cat said “I want to go home" then the cat and the bath got separated .
100 word challenge by Naomi Dawson
Timmy was a cat that has brown fur and blue eyes, he has a friend called Rocky Rocket. Timmy went over to Rocky Rocket and said "Would you like to come on a trip with me?"
"Yes sure." " But were are we going? Replied Rocky
Rocket. "To space!"
Rocky and Timmy visited mars and then they saw earth.
Rocky saw the hot bubbly black bath and started flout to towards the hot bubbly black bath.
Timmy started to flout faster and and then he pulled Rocky Rocket's arm and said do not go near it, it is dangerous bubbly bath...
My 100 word challenge by Luke Anderson
One day their was a little orange cat what had a friend as a mysterious floating bathtub what had eyes. It let the cat go anywhere he wants to but one day when ginger was playing with his wool ball an alien came and toke ginger in to space and left her there.
Luckily he invited his flying bath to bring him to the shop but when he went to his house HE WAS GONE "were are you Ginger?" he shouted then he went to space. He knew just were to find him. He killed the alien who toke him and brought him home.
100 word challeng by Kia Surrey
One day in space there was a bath that was crying because her was lonely and no one liked her. So she flouted a way and didn't want to come back. Then before he left she herd a sound a person should she see? Well the thing is she didn't know if it was good or bad he came and she turned happy. The cat fell asleep and didn't wake and the alien took them to another planet ..... The cat woke up and saw a mysteries alien he gave a yelp and a screech the alien separated the cat and the bath do they get back together or not .....?
100 word challenge by Jamie Brown part 2 called invading aliens
While the casual cat and the annoying orange were sleeping they were getting captured be savage aliens. When they woke up they found them selfs tied around massive chop sticks. They were shouting screaming for help but then an astronaut came and splayed all the aliens. " keep running, keep running," the astronaut shouted. The astronaut got them into the space mobile. When they got somewhere safe the aliens popped out of the ground and ran after them. When the aliens got tired the casual cat and the annoying orange toke break to think about what will they do next time.
100 word challenge by Kaci Walker
100 word challenge
by kaci walker
The very important orange was walking around the planet when he came across a
intelligent cat that said" hi mate what you doing and the bath came across a cat and a orange.they all kept walking.But then they came to a different planet because they walked for that long so once they got like on the other planet they had a rest but then after they had a rest they kept walking and walking until they came to a different planet.But if they kept walking after they got to the other plant they would die because its very hard to stay alive in space.
100 word challenge by Alaisha Baird
A super flying cat, a talking bath and a annoying orange was far to hot in the desert so they decided to go to space.
100 Word Challenge By Eugena Mwita
On a picular day there were annoying orange an talking Jamaica tom even bubbling bananas bath. There were heading to a house until there saw, these zombies coming. On of them had a needles allover him and a lady with nettles, but mostly a zombie with knives in his hands. So when something happened annoying orange got bigger and bigger and started changing places there went to a fireplace blasters and a woods full of creatures, even these other places. They had no idea where they were going. Eventually annoying orange decided to have a bubbling bath. As they all went into the bath the appeared in a strange world.
100 word challenge by Jamie Brown called terrible teleporter
The casual cat and the annoying orange where freezing on the moon so they and the cat said this while he was freezing, " I have a mysterious teleportation bath on the over side of this planet." So they went to the over side of the planet and found the mysterious teleportation bath and went on it. They ended up in the far away galaxy. They jump back in the teleportation bath and got to place that they loved but got separated and had to run back to each other. Suddenly they got transported to mars but at the huge volcano.
100 word challenge. By Jessica Darmody
All of a sudden I saw Miss Ant in the bath with her bike, which was very unusual.She started singing so I decided to play a little prank on her.I had never done this prank on any one before. I thought it would be funny.The prank was to put the hot tap on when she wasn't looking.She was screaming but I was laughing!"I will get you back for this!" She shouted at me.She thought I was actually worried but, I wasn't!
100 word challenge by Kieran cook
One unusual cat Was flying to pick the mighty Neil Armstrong when she crashed on the moon Neil seen the space ship he rushed over and seen bingo the annoying orange and the unusual cat. Armstrong said "what...why in the world did you do that that space ship has vanished Suddenly a male alien sucked me up in enchanted howl with bubble gum in I ended up on planet mars the alien looked like a massive version of a shrimp but I can tell you one fact that will never change it is ugly starved and also vicious.
100 word challenge by Alexandra Giacopazzi
Many problems happened in outer space but the most riskiest one was the time me, Kitten and sheepish were on some sort of program for animals in space." Turkish... Sheepish look an orange bath."
" It's heading strate for us." I said in fright... Wait it wasn't heading strate for... It was heading for me! I floated up into the air and landed on the bright orange bath.
" Something was in here but it's gone."
" There's marks all over."
" What ever it was it's gone."
" Gone where..."
" Ssssssss..."
" SHEEPISH COME BACK... COME... Back..." When me and Kitten woke, he disappeared...
" It's heading strate for us." I said in fright... Wait it wasn't heading strate for... It was heading for me! I floated up into the air and landed on the bright orange bath.
" Something was in here but it's gone."
" There's marks all over."
" What ever it was it's gone."
" Gone where..."
" Ssssssss..."
" SHEEPISH COME BACK... COME... Back..." When me and Kitten woke, he disappeared...
Friday, 8 March 2013
100 word challenge by Luke Anderson extra
I walked and walked but without Tyne beside my I felt hopeless. But I knew Tyne's spirit was still with me. I walked past glistening trees and vibrant branches and lots of wonderful creatures like fish made of water and tigers looking like steel. The only thing what ruined it was that for man lurking in the woods... BOOOOM! "What was that?" I shouted. I ran over the hill and I saw Tyne, in real life. She was held captive in a cell over lava. I went to help her but it was too late. The cage fell in the lava...
100 word challenge by Luke Anderson
my friend and I walked through the forest but as we walked we saw shadows next to the trees every step of the way but when I looked behind me and their was nothing their, "strange" I said. When I looked back a man was in the shadows and Tyne was gone. "Help Luke!" Tyne screamed. I ran up the hill and all I saw... Was Tyne lying on a patch of blood. As I ran I smelt smoke and when I looked back at Tyne a man covered in flames set Tyne body to aflame. The fire was dancing violently.
100 word challenge by David rigby
I creeped along the path suddenly in frond of my eyes where two staircases
I couldn't decide so I used a coin it landed on heads that meant left I was so scared
So I went up it at that very moment I heard Screaming so I ran to the over staircase
The glassing gold trees growed to the sky the vibrant branches followed it slowly .
The cave got closer and closer then a thing jumped out it was green with 17 arms
Is quickly ran up the left staircase I Diddent want to follow it ...
100 word challenge by Alaisha Baird
As I jogged through the forest I saw two paths one looked eerie but the other one was even worse because it looked even more crooked. So I went through the first one but I felt something grabbed my leg I was so scared and I sprinted I was to scared to stop and turn around but I did and seen a spine-chilling bloodcurdling parrot. I screamed at top of my lungs and never stopped until the parrot started screaming. I could not think so I just randomly sprinted. I ran home and my mam said what was your day like.
100 word challenge by mason
As I wondered around in this miseries garden I heard a noise when I walked foreword it began to get louder and louder and louder. So I stepped back then I shouted to my friend Dylan who didn't get a shower every night. but when I looked back he wasn't there so I looked around the other pair of stairs and he wasn't there. I looked up and I saw him on a tree. He was stuck on a DIMOND tree with glutting stars on was really dark so now should make a bed so I can sleep.
100 word challenge by tyne hindson
As I walked through woods with Luke and Scott we fell through a magical pothole when we woke up we where in the moste mind blowing world ever they was unicorns Luke decided to ride a uinacorn but the uinacorn did not like it so the uinacorn chucked him of... Bang he got chucked him on koncreet "awwww" Luke screamed but just then the branches tired so sparkly the leves wher glisaning I ran but some strange reason luke teleported to me it was realy scary I crept running and Luke crept teleporting to me.
100 Word Challenge By Eugena Mwita
Frightful Ghostly Forest
At night as I walked down to the forest I had a suspicion that something or someone will happen. So as I ran down the right stairs I smelled hottness and smoke, when I turned to my left someone with a black cape, a green face like goo and eyes as red like a fire balls. Then a flash of smoke just whooshed and then she was behind me. I turned around and ran up the left stairs as the trees hovering over me as it was getting darker and darker.
100 Word Challenge. By Jessica Darmody
As I wondered through the enchanted forest I saw two strange paths. I didn't know which path to go to so I flipped a coin. Heads was the left one, Tales was the right one. A few seconds later I caught it. It landed on... HEADS! I was so scared so I hugged a tree with glistening branches and vibrant leaves. I had to let go of the tree other wise I wouldn't get to the top of the stairs, Instead of hugging the trees I hugged my self. I was very uncountable!So I let go.
100 word challange by kerry shotton
The spooky scary wet forest.
As I walked up the stairs something squeaked guess what I stood on a rats tail. Just as I was walking up to the right side of the stairs I saw a shadow so I quickly ran to the left side.
I walked up the stairs the suddenly... I herd screaming so I stopped it went quiet it was keep going on and on so I ran up the stairs but it could be any thing like a monster or a vampire coming to get me and boil me and chop me up and then eat me.
100 word challenge Kia Surrey.
I walked through the enchanted woods and I saw a tree wave at me so the obviously I waved back but as I walked closer and closer I herd sound it was a horrible sound.I got so closer and I saw I unicorn that popped out form no where flying above me anxiously. Then a grumpy old troll popped out and bit the unicorn leg. I punched myself to see if I was in a dream but I wasn't then the flowers looked at me. The unicorn grew its leg back. It said to me " hi " I fated and didn't wake up ....
100 word challenge by Naomi Dawson
I was playing in the forest with my friends.
Then suddenly the ground started to shake we tried to walk up the stairs. Then we saw a weird shadow at the top...
We turned around and started to run.
We tried the left stairs and we saw the shadow again so we turned around again but then we heard a scream...
We ran faster and faster we ran past the glistening river, we past the tall long tree's.
We saw lots of insects and animals. The forest was beautiful, but the strange shadow following behind me wasn't.
Maybe it was a strange person behind me.
100 world challenge
In the murky snake filed forest I walked throw the forest about 15 minutes later was two stare cases I sat wondering for witch stare case I should walk... Then when I decided to take the left all of a sudden came a torch and a man and a woman the woman was so nice so I decided to take the right.
The girl Kia had said "what are you doing here" out here she said come in have a look at our Dino dogs they may sound evil but if it was up to me I'd say there kind of cute.
100 Word Challenge By Bryan Ward
The Scary Spooky Forest
When I reached to the stairs I looked both side and I decided to go to the left, and walked down stairs trees started to grab me by the waist and swish me around. I saw a shadow at the bottom of the stairs I thought to my self what could it be, it could be any thing just like a monster or even a scary human coming to attack me very viciously and I will be shredded to pieces.
100 word challenge by Alexandra Giacopazzi
As quick as lightning, I fled... With me as a danger prone wolf dragon I'm quite a hit. Has the man chased me, the woods brightened. Then tow set of stairs led different ways. I led him into the darkest way. My claws dogged all the roots of tree so they didi't trip me over. He did the same, so I led him into vines. I was like an arrow shooting through a hole the size of a mans moth. As I got through he was stuck. The death like vines caught him. I ran down and tried to help...
100word challenge by Jamie Brown
As I was jogging through the forest I had to take a break to think about going up the left set of stairs or going down the right set of stairs what were shaking with the trees. When I was doing my exercise I was making sure that I was going on the right track. Every time I went past a splited broken damaged tree I wondered if I was going the right way. When I got to the end of the left stairs I sat down and had a drink of water and got up and kept going till...
100 word challenge by Lewis Bentham
Me, my brother Harry and my cousin Liam was playing tag. As the day shorted by every second, the forest was getting even spookier. I spotted something, it had bright red eyes and a black body, what was it? Something else was creeping toward me...
It jumped on me and I nearly wet my pants. Once it was in my hands it was only a little monkey. It was friendly so I decided to keep it. On the other hand we still had a unwanted monster on the loose. Every step that the monster took forward we took back, until...
100 world changel by Rebecca Thompson
I walked in the enchanted frost .The leaves where dancing as they fall and hit a green elf . So I flowed the the elf he was saying" I need to hurry !" He went up the left stairs there was loads of elf's siting on toad stools . They where ran into a tree house I ran after them . I called mobile Alexandra she came on her dragon . She told her evil dragon to stay the dragon eyes where red fireballs . So it told her where they where they went over a tiny ancient old cures bridge they went on the right side I said " Alexandra go and flowed .... "
100 Word Challenge By Muhammed Khan
Me and my friends were playing Football and Mike kicked it into the bush. Out of the blue... we saw a different place with stairs and green vibrant lush trees with different trees with glistening vibrant leaves. The Insects were really small and there were monkeys that were strange colours like blue. The ball was hanging in one small skinny Branch hanging. A Monkeys tail was wrapped around the ball. " Can we have our ball back? The strangest thing was that the Monkey replied back. We went near the Stairs because this where it could be. BOOM!... What was that?
100 word challenge by Dylan Preston
As I wondered into the dark forest. I saw to sets of stairs. I went up the left one I heard a growl and I went up the right one but it was even worse… I ran up the right one and hid. I saw a eye what was yellow as the sun and It was a dinosaur and it was a T-REX. I saw a goblin and it smelled like my friend Mason who smelled like a daisy. He was lovely to be my friend. Then he saw me in the forest and he got eaten by a goblin.
As I walked through the enchanted forest....leaves were twirling from as I walked past I came to some stairs and at the top there were a castle walked to have a look and......
It was an old castle with wooden doors.I went into the castle and hired a bang a big one so I ran out of the castle and I met a girl called Jessica and screamed for some reason I think it was because I screamed.when I came out of the castle because I was so scared of the ghost but then when I came out I saw a unicorn.
100 word challenge by Taylor Asiamah
I silently walked through the vivid green Forrest confused of the two different paths. I couldn't decide which one to take! Of course I was looking for an adventure so I took the right because its more tight and scary. So I confidently sprinted into the foggy mist and then came to a stop, a glimpse of two fiery red eyes caught my attention and then a shine of white razor sharp teeth, then it SNAPPED at me! No it can't be I thought... Then came HISS... I am absolutely sure that is a deadly man eating crocodile OH NO !
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